What is Missoko Bwiti?
Bwiti is not a religion. It is a tradition; a spiritual path of self-discovery. It is simply the study of life itself, and through that study, a mastery in the art of living. There is no guru, no priest, no pope. But for the Bwiti, there is a school of life. And Iboga is the teacher. Thousands of years ago, after the Pygmies of Central Africa discovered Iboga, usage and practice of the medicine eventually shaped the Bwiti tradition. Born in the South of Gabon, the Bwiti melded the Pygmies’ shamanic skills and healing modalities with the teachings of Iboga. Bwiti use Iboga as a tool, to connect to spirit and to innate truth. The medicine uncovers and accesses this truth that lies within each of us. The Bwiti know that, from day one, Creator gave us everything we need, and that this truth exists deep inside of us. We do not have to ‘pay’ to be alive. We simply are.
The value of one’s life is held in the Bwiti’s highest regard. They treat themselves with care, and possess honor, courage and commitment for their life. They recognize that they are a part of nature, and they do not abuse it. The Bwiti live in the moment—without holding on to past or projecting into the future. They accept what is, always engaging all of their senses to help guide them. Fear does not exist in their tradition. To them, fear is only a thought, and illusion that limits human potential. Bwiti women dance during women’s full initiation ceremony in Gabon, AfricaWithin the many types of Bwiti—who today are spread throughout Gabon, Cameroon and the Congo—10th Generation Shaman Moughenda is of the Missoko. “The Missoko Bwiti is the only Bwiti that brought forth all the healing therapies,” Moughenda says of his lineage. “The Ngangas (healers) from the Missoko Bwiti are the best.” Through the years, Missoko have been living and working with Iboga, but have been kept shrouded in secrecy. This secrecy was upheld in order to protect their people from Christianity and other Western beliefs, which came into Africa and destroyed many of original traditions. The Bwiti do not write anything down. Their knowledge, wisdom, medicines and healing methods are shared orally, taught from generation to generation.
Bwiti man in traditional clothing For Westerners, the opportunity to travel to the birthplace of both Iboga medicine and the Bwiti tradition is a life-changing experience. Before this time in history, Westerners have not been able to access these deep-rooted truths and life mastery skills.
Today, the door has been opened—through the Bwiti Full Initiation.
“Those who come to us in Gabon for a Full Initiation into the Missoko Bwiti will experience an authentic initiation into this tradition,” says Moughenda. “One that serves to help you break through into a completely uncharted new phase of your life.”
For the Bwiti, there is only one prayer they recite. Every morning, they thank Creator for another day. It is a gratitude for life itself, for the gift of simply being alive.
“Life is a gift, and nothing goes above it.”
– Wisdom from a Bwiti Shaman
Moughenda’s life purpose is to spread Iboga’s profound healing to an ailing world. This mission has taken him from his home country of Gabon and around the globe, providing the sacred root to thousands. Now back in Africa, Moughenda and his village implement traditional Bwiti Shamanic practices and use the whole, organic Iboga root to push journeyers through life-changing spiritual initiations, detoxifications, and traditional physical healings. Bwiti is not a religion. It is a spiritual philosophy of introspection and self-discovery. Journeyers to Gabon will experience an authentic initiation, serving to help break through into an uncharted new phase of life.