Traditional Missoko Bwiti Iboga Retreat
A 10 to 14 day experience where you’ll be fully initiated into the Bwiti Tradition. Retreats include a welcome ceremony, profound healing ceremonies, Bwiti teachings, jungle treks, food, accommodations, training in traditional instruments, and as always, plenty of singing & dancing. From the time that you land in Libreville until the time that you leave, everything will be taken care of for you. You won’t have to worry about food, accommodations, transportation, or translation – which allows you to simply relax and be completely present with the life-changing experience of “be-ing” with the Bwiti at Moughenda’s Village.
For thousands of years, the Bwiti have been working with Iboga as their sacrament and in recent history have had to go into hiding to protect the Bwiti tradition and Iboga from the French colonialists. It is truly a blessing that now that it is safe for them to practice their tradition openly, that they are willing to share it with the outside world. Guests will be deeply immersed in the Bwiti tradition and experience Iboga in the life-changing spiritually traditional way it has been used for thousands of years.
Bwiti Tribe Iboga Retreat
Bwiti Tribe Retreats take place at Moughenda’s Village in Gabon, Africa. Daily excursions may be available to other areas of the jungle and guests may stay in Libreville a night or two while in transit.
Guests should book flights to the capital city of Libreville, Gabon where they will be greeted by 10th Generation Shaman Moughenda and family. Depending on arrival time, guests may have to book a hotel for the evening before the group drives out to the village for the start of the retreat.
The duration of each retreat is 10 days unless specified on the retreat schedule. All retreats include an initiation into the Missoko Bwiti tradition and several other healing ceremonies. If Rites of Passage are being offered the retreats will lengthen to 14 days.

Traditional Healing
As the Godfather of all plant medicines, Iboga is the most powerful plant medicine on the planet. The Bwiti have been working with Iboga for thousands of years and use it for physical healing, spiritual healing, and spiritual discovery. Once the Bwiti discovered Iboga, all of the Bwiti traditions were given to them by the spirit of Iboga itself. Bwiti and Iboga are forever connected and you cannot have Iboga without Bwiti, or Bwiti without Iboga.
Our Shaman, Moughenda, worked with “the medicine” in the west for over a decade, using it to treat things like addiction, ptsd, trauma, traumatic brain injuries, anxiety, depression and so much more. Many of these challenges are not normal in Gabon, and his time working outside of Gabon helped him to understand and treat the western mind, utilizing these ancient techniques.
For those seeking healing, there is no better place in the world to receive the healing benefits of this sacrament than the Iboga Retreat Center at Moughenda’s Village.
Traditional Missoko Bwiti Retreats include