Become a certified
Iboga Provider
Today’s world is full of people suffering from depression, anxiety, self-hatred, anger, physical conditions, addictions and so much more that can be helped by Iboga. Iboga Providers will be the best people to offer healing with Iboga outside of Gabon. For those that feel called to do this work in a traditional Bwiti context, this is the most effective training program they can get. Iboga is the world’s most powerful healing tool and requires immense respect and care to be worked with. Taking the time to get the proper training from the people who have been working with this medicine for thousands of years is essential.
In Moughenda’s Iboga Provider Training Program, you will learn everything you need to know to work with Iboga and get the experience, practice, and confidence you need. Most importantly though, you will gain the tools to heal yourself first.
Iboga Providers are not “Shamans,” but rather, people who have been trained and empowered by Moughenda to serve the medicine with the spiritual backing of the Missoko Bwiti tradition. The reason they are not called “Shamans” is that in the Bwiti tradition to be a Shaman, one must be from a lineage and even then the training takes a few decades.
Iboga Provider Training Includes

Want to become an Iboga Provider?
Why receive Iboga Provider Training?
If you feel the calling to become an Iboga Provider- just like with any other vocation- you should seek proper training, guidance, and mentorship in order to learn the trade well and set a strong foundation for your practice. Providing Iboga is a serious undertaking that involves great commitment. The consequences of learning by trial and error or experimentation instead of proper training can be both time-consuming and risky.
Iboga is a powerful medicine that must be respected. It has the ability to transform and heal. But if used in the wrong way or with the wrong people, it has the ability to do harm as severe as death. The risks of providing Iboga in the wrong way to the wrong people are much greater than the risks of doing the same with other plant spirit medicines such as ayahuasca, psilocybin (magic mushrooms), or DMT. This sort of consequence can be prevented when you are diligent, proactive, and well trained. Proper training reduces risks for your retreat guests but also ensures a much deeper healing and a much more powerful spiritual experience.
Why receive training from the Bwiti?
Working effectively with Iboga is both an art and a science that has been practiced and developed over thousands of years in the Bwiti tradition and by pygmy (Babongo) people, some say since the very beginning of time.
Training in the Bwiti tradition is an act of respect and support for both the plant itself and the people who have stewarded it throughout history.
Training in Gabon connects you with the root of this medicine, the land which has nourished and grown Iboga since the beginning of time. Over the millennia, Bwiti have worked intimately with Iboga, decoding and interpreting its messages, and understanding the intricacies of the medicine and its healing, both physiologically and spiritually.
Bwiti is an oral tradition, and teaching is done verbally (breath to breath), through the senses, through action, and through spirit. These teachings cannot be learned through a book or the internet.
Having members of the Missoko Bwiti tradition on your side as teachers, mentors and allies will help you to work with deeper knowledge, effectiveness, understanding, and greater integrity- both in the physical and spiritual realms.
Also, working with medicine respectfully, which is sacredly harvested ensures the spirit of the medicine is whole and intact. You will have access to this medicine as a student of Moughenda.
If you wish to work safely and effectively, with respect for the medicine’s lineage, and with an ongoing connection and mentorship, we recommend this training program.
Your Teacher
Moughenda is a tenth-generation Missoko Bwiti shaman who has five decades of experience working with Iboga and traditional healing. In response to increasing global awareness of Iboga, and his intuitive guidance, he is the first Bwiti shaman to open up to training students from around the world.
He has been working with international students for over a decade now and is the Teacher and Mentor of the most established Iboga Providers outside of Gabon.
Moughenda spent years overseas studying the ways of the Western world. And based on his observations and guidance, designed the ceremonial format that most Iboga Providers use today (outside of Gabon), to address the unique needs of the internatintional population.
He speaks fluent English, French, Spanish, as well as multiple tribal languages.
Why the Missoko Bwiti?
Missoko Bwiti specializes in healing and natural medicine, not just using the Iboga root (the Master Teacher), but includes detailed knowledge of how to use thousands of plants and psycho-spiritual techniques for healing purposes. Missoko Bwiti contains all the other branches of Bwiti, which are:
Ngonde’ na Dipouma—screening, or diagnostics
Miobe’—herbs, plants, and their usage
Seguedia—knowledge and creation
Maboundi—empowering women
Another distinction is that Missoko Bwiti is true to the original form of Bwiti that was protected from the French colonialists and perfectly preserved. There is zero French, Christian, or any outside influences. Much of what you read about online is about the Fang Bwiti who have not followed the same path and merged Bwiti with Christianity, but this is NOT the case for Missoko Bwiti. Due to it needing to be hidden from outsiders until it was safe, not much can be learned about Misssoko Bwiti from the internet or in books.
An important distinction
Moughenda Village offers healing retreats which include Missoko Bwiti Initiation. Do not mistake these retreats for training. These retreats are for the personal psycho-spiritual healing of the participants. They are not professional training programs.
Just because someone has been initiated into Bwiti does not mean they are now capable of effectively providing Iboga to other people. Initiation connects you spiritually and energetically with Bwiti. Training prepares you to be a provider.